26 July 2008

Ask Me Anything!!

I thought "what should I do? My vidding sucks at te moment... uhh, what about letting people ask me all sorts of stuff?!" xD haha.. so here's the chance...!!!

I want you to ask me something... I'd prefer if it was something interesting. It doesn't have to be about my videos or something like that; ask me what ever you'd like :)

I'll select my fave questions and answer them in a viddie :)

(I'll probably make a video about it, but until it appears on YouTube, you can ask the questions here, in a comment)
Please write your name (and/or YouTube alias) and where you're from ;P lol

~ Karina


Anonymous said...

Nice idea!! XD

Which of your own videos do you dislike the most?

Anonymous said...


- Who is your favorite vidder?

- Which video is your top favorite?

- Which Doctor Who episode is your fave?

- Which of the Harry Potter movies and books do you like the most?


Anonymous said...

Here's a few questions:

- In terms of vidding, is there anything you regret doing/not doing ?

- Why do you keep criticizing yourself, when you get positive feedback ALL THE TIME!! ?

- Is there any of your videos you regret making ?

- Are you considering leaving YouTube ?

- Is there any of your own videos you like more than the rest ?

- Did you get disappointed when you didn't make it to the Top 20 in the “So You Think You Can Vid” challenge?

There – that's all I could come up with :)

xoxo, Kim

by the by: I really like your videos ;)