10 August 2008

keeping you up to date


I know I haven’t been updating much lately; I’m really sorry.. I’ve just been really busy :-/
Because I’m unemployed at the moment, I have to go to this ‘jobcenter’ every day … but now I’m in a ‘group’ for the young people, so I’ll have Tuesdays and Thursdays off :D
And the vidding is going really badly; I haven’t made anything for the last week or so, because the charger for my laptop broke :’( and like it wasn’t bad enough the laptop is insisting on building peaks every single time I open a project in Vegas – that takes quite some time with 74 files in s project :-/
I’m hoping I’ll have some videos done soon, but my inspiration-level is still at a minimum, so that probably won’t happen :’/

I gotta go to bed now…

~ Karina

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