14 June 2008

still to be named

A fanfic I've started on, but haven't been working on for a while...
It's set after the Doctor meets Donna by accident - so, before Martha, too.. I think this will become my Doctor/Hermione fanfic (Doctor Who/Harry Potter)

It had been two weeks since the Doctor said goodbye to Donna, and now he felt more alone than ever; he didn’t really have the time to think about it back on earth, because he was to busy saving Donna - and the rest of the world. He didn’t know what to make of himself now. He didn’t want to go anywhere, really. All he wanted was to get Rose back, but there was no way.
He missed her so much, oh, so terribly much! And he was never to see her again. He would never get the chance to hear her laughter again, or see her reaction when they arrived at a new planet. And he never got to take her to Barcelona, like he had promised so long ago. He would never again get the chance to tell her that he loves her, and that really killed him inside. He could feel the suffering in both hearts; he had never felt the same kind of agony, and he wasn’t sure it would ever go away.

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